Well, it's midnight. I love it when it starts at midnight...
Music isn't a coincidence. It isn't luck.
Music is art..
Music is bliss..
Music is love..
Rahman.. He must be at his first performance of the World Tour at New York right now. But he'll do well. I mean, for one thing he's like this semi-god to me already. So he HAS to do awesome.(ya , that's 1 of the places where i get it from)..
I just thought i'll start of today with a couple of words zooming in and out of my mind these past few days...
and suddenly I realized (with a broad smile) that so many of them are related to Music..
I'm the lead singer of a band..I cant help smiling about it even now..
I mean, it's not just A band.It's One with awesome band-members in it.. It's one with 1 Hell of a name.. And why the name AurA....?
Well, I believe that the single thing binding all four of us together is MusiC... A burning passion for that single art... A passion we all share equally in the band.. And as it did on our first performance, it's that passion that comes out when we perform.. It is that AurA of passion for which we live.. An AurA I hope would be with us forever..
"Krishna ............ His flute....."
Yup, its highly inspiring... That one melody to last an eternity... That one image of the gopikas struggling around for a glimpse of the lord.. A second of bliss upon hearing the music of the divine flute.. Or MAGIC FLUTE as K.M.Munshi says it.
Much before joining SP,I used to believe that Munshi used to be this messenger of God for me. It was my greatest shock when I landed right into his own college. (SP is under Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan created by him)
Barney Stinson....
sheer awesome....
Actually the one reason I'm mentioning Neil Patrick Harris here is that I owe the words Awesome and Legendary to him..Not just because he uses it, but because he is.. :) True story.
just this morning i had like a 2-3 hour conversation with my sister Rucha about all the books we've read and AAAALLLL the books left for us to .. But then, Im lucky, what with my bro and dad being die-hard readers enough to keep a room just for the library at my house.. And as i told her, I feel like every time I open 1 shelf from there and scroll through 1 rack, it feels like all those books are calling out to me, saying "Pick me,Pick me..!!"
She mentioned Harry potter..yuck... there was a time i was so bored with this book i had sworn i would never see it again.Actually, still hate it. but then , suddenly somewhere you find the word Gregorian written on it. And it reminds you of gregorovitch and you just wanna read the part where Olliviander tells Harry about the wand or Harry and Dumby at King Cross Station.
God, i could go on, .. Its a good thing I'm calling this random thoughts.. :)
Well, any way, before my thoughts are randomized any more i sign off here..
Ahhh.finally....this post has "Srinath" written all over it :D ..keep writing what ure passionate about..Waiting for lots more da!!